Die Suche ergab 65 Treffer

Die Suche ergab 65 Treffer • Seite 2 von 6
Mi 3. Feb 2016, 00:31
Antworten: 2168
Zugriffe: 963586

Re: Bilder-Thread Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Yeah, I know now... Anyway, thanks for the heads-up!
Mo 1. Feb 2016, 01:30
Antworten: 2168
Zugriffe: 963586

Re: Bilder-Thread Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
I think he might be back there to shoot this other new show for Hulu - Chance... He's going to play a doctor again in this one. But in this case it's a different medical field. As far as I know, it'll be two Seasons with 20 episodes total.
Fr 15. Jan 2016, 02:12
Antworten: 76
Zugriffe: 127937

Re: The Night Manager (2016) Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Thank you, mj1985, for all these great photos! I know it's a lot of work to find them and sharing them with us! Thumbs up! Both of them! And if I could, also with the big toes. Well, I can do so virtually. So Big Toes up, too! Keep up the great work.
Mi 13. Jan 2016, 19:52
Antworten: 76
Zugriffe: 127937

Re: The Night Manager (2016) Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
I think it's his favourite belt. But I must say, I like it, too.
Di 12. Jan 2016, 23:10
Antworten: 35
Zugriffe: 50778

Re: Veep - Season 4 & Season 5 Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Now that's for sure! I wish it would be April already.
Sa 9. Jan 2016, 18:59
Antworten: 35
Zugriffe: 50778

Re: Veep - Season 4 & Season 5 Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
The first episode of Veep's Season 5 will air on April 24th in the US. Can't wait!
Sa 9. Jan 2016, 18:38
Antworten: 76
Zugriffe: 127937

Re: The Night Manager (2016) Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
If you can watch the BBC, it will air in February. In the US it's sometime in April.
Do 12. Nov 2015, 03:36
Antworten: 76
Zugriffe: 127937

Re: The Night Manager (2016) Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
I know there are more pic, you can upload them to a picture host (like imageshack or which you prefer) and post them, if you want :wink: Would a Facebook album link do? https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.932667900117948.1073742093.524858057565603&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/media/set...
Do 12. Nov 2015, 03:33
Antworten: 35
Zugriffe: 50778

Re: Veep - Season 4 Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Want more screencaps from the episodes of S4? You can find them in the album section here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.936011349783603.1073742096.524858057565603&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.939261689458569.1073742104.524858057565603&type=3 https://www.faceb...
Do 12. Nov 2015, 03:28
Antworten: 20
Zugriffe: 27180

Re: Tomorrowland - A World Beyond (2015) Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Some additional stuff from the movie (Screencaps from a YouTube video): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 79cf9b7f4c
Do 12. Nov 2015, 03:24
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 8647

The Blind Man Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Hugh recorded this drama based on a script by Alfred Hitchcock for the BBC earlier this year. It aired on October 30th. Here are some photos of the recording of the radio drama: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1025404887510915.1073742120.524858057565603&type=1&l=b1c6b0bce4 I hope y...
Do 12. Nov 2015, 03:12
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 50821

Re: Hörspiel-Anfrage? Rufe den Beitrag auf Rufe den Beitrag auf
Well, in theory a book series would also be possible. After all, in a book you could include a screenshot section of the episode(s).