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James Calum
Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Sa 24. Aug 2013, 14:21
Lieblingscharakter: House
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x21, 2x24, 3x12, 4x16, 5x4, 6x22, 7x15, 8x22
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: London

I'll do this Season by Season, listing the full name of the POTW (if known), age (if given) and final diagnosis. Part of the info you only get from screencaps and/or the scripts/transcripts. Here's the list for Season 5:

5x1 - Lou (37), lepomatous leprosy, ectopic pregnancy
5x2 - Apple Welsh (?), transplanted cancerous stem cells
5x3 - Brandon H., food boli bezoar
5x4 - Nicole Brewster (25), insertion of large number of pins through skull into brain shortly after birth
5x5 - Spencer (26), Sjögren's syndrome, candidosis
5x6 - Jerry Harmon (Jamal Hamoud) (37) & Samatha Harmon (12), familial mediterranean fever
5x7 - Stewart Nozick (35), lead poisoning, agoraphobia
5x8 - Sophia Isebel Valez (16), leukemia, arsenic poisoning
5x9 - Jason, melioidosis
5x10 - Emmy (30), hereditary coproporphyria
5x11 - Natalie Soellner (16), eclampsia
5x12 - Jeff (32), epilepsy
5x13 - Sarah Gilbertson (29), patent ductus arteriosus
5x14 - Dr. Dana Miller, ectopic endometriosis
5x15 - Daniel "Danny" Bresson (46), Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
6x16 - Jackson Smith (13), dehydration
6x17 - Nick Greenwald (46), Doege-Potter syndrome
5x18 - Morgan West (35), cancer in the appendix (corticotrophin producing tumor)
5x19 - Lee, leptospirosis
5x20 - Eddie & Charlotte Novak (54), cardiac blastomycosis, visceral leishmaniasis
5x21 - Doug Swenson (between 20 - 29), sporotrichosis
5x22 - Seth Miller (14), sarcoidosis
5x23 - Penelope Bloom (21), gonorrhea in a heart abscess
5x24 - Scott (20), alien hand syndrome due to split brain and propylene glycol poisoning


Genius has side effects