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Beiträge: 7359
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 21:18
Lieblingscharakter: House
Shipper: Huddy, Hilson, Hacy
Lieblingsepisode/n: 5x24, 6x01, 6x22, 7x03
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Lübeck
Aktuell: ... tID=112655
Hugh Laurie unterstützt auch dieses Jahr wieder NAMI:
Hugh Laurie unterstützt auch dieses Jahr wieder NAMI:
On television, I play Dr. Gregory House. Every week, we take 60 minutes to save one person's life. It's a lot harder in real life.
For more than 30 years, NAMI has been working every day to help real people living with mental illness build real lives of dignity and meaning.
Through education, support and advocacy, NAMI gives individuals and families affected by mental illness the one thing no one else can offer: Hope.
That's why I support the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
As you make your plans for giving at the end of this holiday season, I ask you to join me in support of NAMI and help give the gift of hope to the millions of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
Thank you,
Hugh Laurie
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: Mi 22. Dez 2010, 23:29
Lieblingscharakter: Wilson
Shipper: NA
Fox-Gucker: Ja
I've worked with NAMI for years. Honestly, I think its cool that the show supports NAMI, but there are a lot of better charities that do a lot more for mental illness advocacy. In terms of brining attention to the issue, I appreciate their efforts, but money that gets to NAMI isn't really put to the best use.