Beiträge: 71
Registriert: Sa 24. Aug 2013, 14:21
Lieblingscharakter: House
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x21, 2x24, 3x12, 4x16, 5x4, 6x22, 7x15, 8x22
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: London
After rewatching it all countless times and reading all the transcripts I've come to my own conclusion. I'm not asking anyone to like it, it's just my personal point of view.
Anyway, the final ep was ok, but I agree with a lot of you here - I'm not too fond of cliffhangers. And yes, there might be a connection to that episode with the author back in Season 7, when House mentions he doesn't like them. So yeah, there are too many loose ends, another one being the question of House's true father... But there are still rumours around as to a possible movie. So far it's just that - rumours. I wish and hope there would be more substance behind this.
So here's my final conclusion now:
I'm no expert on House. I just know what everybody else knows. But maybe I did get a tiny bit more insight. When you go through the whole thing again, leaving aside all the concepts, prejudices... you end up with a deeper understanding. This is mine: Beneath all that sarcasm, bitterness and anger (yes, also anger!) was someone who cared deeply about everyone. It didn't always show but if you really pay attention, it's there. To me, this was all about friendship and love, as unlikely as it sounds. But look at the facts, pay close attention and rewatch the whole show again from the start. Wipe your memory clean off all the things you've known or think you did and maybe, just maybe, you reach the same conclusion as I have - House is love!
Anyway, the final ep was ok, but I agree with a lot of you here - I'm not too fond of cliffhangers. And yes, there might be a connection to that episode with the author back in Season 7, when House mentions he doesn't like them. So yeah, there are too many loose ends, another one being the question of House's true father... But there are still rumours around as to a possible movie. So far it's just that - rumours. I wish and hope there would be more substance behind this.
So here's my final conclusion now:
I'm no expert on House. I just know what everybody else knows. But maybe I did get a tiny bit more insight. When you go through the whole thing again, leaving aside all the concepts, prejudices... you end up with a deeper understanding. This is mine: Beneath all that sarcasm, bitterness and anger (yes, also anger!) was someone who cared deeply about everyone. It didn't always show but if you really pay attention, it's there. To me, this was all about friendship and love, as unlikely as it sounds. But look at the facts, pay close attention and rewatch the whole show again from the start. Wipe your memory clean off all the things you've known or think you did and maybe, just maybe, you reach the same conclusion as I have - House is love!
Zuletzt geändert von James Calum am Sa 24. Aug 2013, 17:04, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
Genius has side effects
Genius has side effects
Beiträge: 27
Registriert: Mo 4. Okt 2010, 21:14
Lieblingscharakter: House
Shipper: Halone/Hilson
Fox-Gucker: Nein
Hello to all!
I rewatch & write a new review & analysis about House 8x22, too symbolic episode. My review is in french, yours comments are welcome.
House – Review & analyse complète du 8×22 « Every Body Dies »
Thanks for reading!

I rewatch & write a new review & analysis about House 8x22, too symbolic episode. My review is in french, yours comments are welcome.

House – Review & analyse complète du 8×22 « Every Body Dies »
Thanks for reading!