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Beiträge: 7359
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 21:18
Lieblingscharakter: House
Shipper: Huddy, Hilson, Hacy
Lieblingsepisode/n: 5x24, 6x01, 6x22, 7x03
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Lübeck

Hugh Laurie in "Mr. Pip" 2012


Hugh Laurie - Mr. Watts
Xzannjah Matsi
Healesville Joel
Eka Darville
Kerry Fox

Weitere Besetzung:

Andrew Adamson

Andrew Adamson

Andrew Adamson, Robin Scholes, Leslie Urdang, Dean Vanech

Ausführende Produzenten:
Tim Coddington, Timothy White, Dan Revers, James Dean, Julie Christie


Olympus Pictures

weitere Links:

"Mr. Pip" tells the story of the last white man left on the strife-torn island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. He reopens a school and reads his favorite novel, "Great Expectations," to the students, inspiring a gifted 14-year-old named Matilda.
Living under the shadow of the Papa New Guinean civil war, an eccentric schoolteacher (Hugh Laurie) forms a unique bond with a young girl (Xzannjah Matsi) over their shared love for Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, in director Andrew Adamson's (Shrek, The Chronicles of Narnia) lusciously beautiful adaptation of the award-winning novel by Lloyd Jones.
Zuletzt geändert von mj1985 am Di 24. Jul 2012, 20:29, insgesamt 5-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 2182
Registriert: Mo 21. Dez 2009, 12:37
Lieblingscharakter: Greg 8o
Shipper: Hall-y
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x11, 1x21, 3x1, 3x4
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Wittichenau

Hugh Laurie ist reif für die Insel

Hugh Laurie, Star der erfolgreichen Fernsehserie Dr. House, wird die Hauptrolle in der Verfilmung von Lloyd Jones’ Buch Mister Pip spielen.

Hugh Laurie hat mit der Serie Dr. House, in der er die misanthropische und depressive Titelfigur spielt, großen Erfolg. Seine Karriere als Filmschauspieler liegt aber nicht auf Eis, ganz im Gegenteil, sie nimmt wieder richtig an Fahrt auf: Hugh Laurie wird die Hauptrolle in der Verfilmung von Mister Pip übernehmen und Andrew Adamson wird, wie schon bei Shrek – Der tollkühne Held, Shrek 2 – Der tollkühne Held kehrt zurück und Die Chroniken von Narnia: Der König von Narnia, Regie führen.

Das Buch von Lloyd Jones aus dem Jahr 2007 handelt von Mr. Watts (Hugh Laurie), dem letzten weißen Mann auf der Insel Bougainville, die zu Papua-Neuguinea gehört, der die Aufgabe als Lehrer für die einheimischen Kinder übernimmt. Er liest ihnen aus Charles Dickens’ Roman Große Erwartungen vor und begeistert sie damit, vor allem die 14-jährige Matilda.

Die Idee einer Adaption kam Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Andrew Adamson, nachdem er das Buch während eines Flugs richtiggehend verschlungen hatte. Und auch Hugh Laurie war äußerst angetan von Mister Pip: “Von den ersten Worten des Romans und der ersten Idee des Drehbuchs an war ich süchtig nach Mister Pip. Es ist eine ungemein berührende, einzigartige, dennoch völlig unsentimentale Geschichte von Liebe. Es ist anders als jedes Skript, das ich gelesen habe, oder jede Geschichte, die ich je gehört habe. Und ich komme nach Papua-Neuguinea und nenne es Arbeit. Ich bin ein sehr glücklicher Mensch.”

Andrew Adamson hat sich dafür entschieden, in Neuseeland und auf der im Buch vorkommenden Insel Bougainville zu drehen. Beginnen werden die Arbeiten bereits nächsten Monat. Läuft alles nach Plan, können wir Hugh Laurie alias Dr. House bereits 2012 auf der Pazifikinsel bewundern.
Quelle: ... sel-110354
Läuft alles nach Plan, können wir Hugh Laurie alias Dr. House bereits 2012 auf der Pazifikinsel bewundern.
:rofl: Na das hört sich doch perfekt an :blush: *fängt grad an zu träumen*
OMfG He really touched my finger and asked me a question :ohnmacht: :yeah:
Oh my... I REALLY was able to snatch HIS beer glass. The one, of which he drank.
Beiträge: 2182
Registriert: Mo 21. Dez 2009, 12:37
Lieblingscharakter: Greg 8o
Shipper: Hall-y
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x11, 1x21, 3x1, 3x4
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Wittichenau

Hugh Laurie in
Bild Bild

Zuletzt geändert von mj1985 am Do 14. Apr 2011, 19:07, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
OMfG He really touched my finger and asked me a question :ohnmacht: :yeah:
Oh my... I REALLY was able to snatch HIS beer glass. The one, of which he drank.
Beiträge: 2182
Registriert: Mo 21. Dez 2009, 12:37
Lieblingscharakter: Greg 8o
Shipper: Hall-y
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x11, 1x21, 3x1, 3x4
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Wittichenau

OMfG He really touched my finger and asked me a question :ohnmacht: :yeah:
Oh my... I REALLY was able to snatch HIS beer glass. The one, of which he drank.
Beiträge: 388
Registriert: Do 15. Apr 2010, 15:27
Fox-Gucker: Ja

Was ist sein Lieblingsfilm ?
Beiträge: 2182
Registriert: Mo 21. Dez 2009, 12:37
Lieblingscharakter: Greg 8o
Shipper: Hall-y
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x11, 1x21, 3x1, 3x4
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Wittichenau

Ich glaub "Dr. Strangelove" verstanden zu haben
OMfG He really touched my finger and asked me a question :ohnmacht: :yeah:
Oh my... I REALLY was able to snatch HIS beer glass. The one, of which he drank.
Beiträge: 7359
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 21:18
Lieblingscharakter: House
Shipper: Huddy, Hilson, Hacy
Lieblingsepisode/n: 5x24, 6x01, 6x22, 7x03
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Lübeck

Hollywood is coming to Oamaru.

A film adaptation of Lloyd Jones' best-selling novel Mr Pip by Oscar-nominated Kiwi director Andrew Adamson, starring House and Blackadder actor Hugh Laurie, will start filming in Oamaru and around the Waitaki district on July 18.

Filming will take place at the Oamaru harbour and historic precinct, and at Campbell's Park, Otekaieke and Fortification Road, Waitaki District Council corporate services group manager Carolyn Carter said in a report to council.

Filming is expected to wrap up in the district on August 20.

Oamaru landscape architect Dugal Amour had the job of showing Adamson and other directors around the freezer building and red sheds in the harbour area when they visited.

"Andrew's been here before – he did The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe here (at Elephant Rocks) – so I think he liked the set out there," Mr Amour said.

"Oamaru's obviously got the charm they want."

Whitestone Civic Trust chair Phil Hope said it was another great use of the town's heritage architecture.

"We've had films here before and this would be another great one to have."

Adamson, whose work includes the Shrek and Chronicles of Narnia film series, has written the screenplay and will direct and produce the film, which is to begin filming in New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, this month.

Shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Mr Pip tells the story of the last white man left in war-torn Papua New Guinea, who reopens a school and inspires his pupils by reading his favourite novel, Great Expectations.

Laurie, who will film only in Bougainville, told the Hollywood Reporter last month he was "hooked" on the screenplay from the start.

"From the first words of the novel, and the first image of the screenplay, I was hooked on Mr Pip," Laurie said. "It's an immensely touching, unique, yet completely unsentimental story of love. It is unlike any script I have read, or any story I have ever heard. Plus I get to go to Papua New Guinea and call it work. I am a very lucky man."

Adamson is quoted as saying he wanted to adapt Jones' book as soon as he read it.

"I read Mr Pip on a flight and, by the time of landing, knew I would make this film. It's a testament to Lloyd's wonderful novel that it has captured the hearts of Hugh, Robin, Leslie and an incredible group of like-minded collaborators."

Leslie Urdang and Dean Vanech of Olympus Pictures are financing and producing the film with Robin Scholes' Eyeworks New Zealand and Agio Capital, with support from the Film Commission, NZ on Air and TV3.

Oamaru has been the setting for a number of films, including Dutch movie Bride Flight.
Quelle: ... for-Mr-Pip
Beiträge: 2182
Registriert: Mo 21. Dez 2009, 12:37
Lieblingscharakter: Greg 8o
Shipper: Hall-y
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x11, 1x21, 3x1, 3x4
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Wittichenau

Expectations for filming locations

The historic freezer building in Oamaru, between the railway and foreshore, might be one of the locations used for the film `Mr Pip`. Photo by David Bruce.

Oamaru and North Otago locations could be used for a major Hollywood film starring actor Hugh Laurie.

A new company is adapting best-selling book Mr Pip into a film with a screenplay written by New Zealand producer Andrew Adamson.

Film representatives and location scouts visited Oamaru and North Otago just after Easter to evaluate locations.

These included the Oamaru historic precinct and its buildings, Oamaru harbour and two rural areas.

However, the film's publicist, Sue May, yesterday said that while North Otago locations were being considered for the film, it had "not been absolutely confirmed".

"Several factors need to be confirmed, with the film still in the planning stages," she told the Otago Daily Times.

Mr Pip, written by New Zealander Lloyd James in 2006, was short-listed for the British Booker Prize.

It tells the story of the last white man left on the strife-torn island of Bougainville during the 1990 blockade by Papua New Guinea. He reopens a school and uses the Dickens' novel Great Expectations to inspire students, particularly a gifted 14-year-old named Matilda.

The film will be shot on location in Bourgainville and New Zealand.

Laurie, formerly of the Blackadder series and star of the television series House, read the screenplay while on a plane flight and was hooked, knowing by the time he had landed that he would make the film.

"It's an immensely touching, unique yet completely unsentimental story of love. It is unlike any script I have read or any story I have heard - plus I get to go to New Guinea and call it work.

"I'm a very lucky man," he said.

Laurie would not need to not take part in any filming at any of the possible locations in New Zealand.

Waitaki District Council corporate services manager Carolyn Carter said it was to be partly filmed in the historic precinct and harbour area of Oamaru, as well as in Campbell Park and Fortification Rd at Totara.

Filming was scheduled between July 18 and August 20, she said.

Oamaru Whitestone Civic Trust chairman Phil Hope said representatives from the production company were shown around the historic area and harbour just after Easter.

The area had been used for films before, an excellent use of Oamaru's heritage buildings.

Other films had included the Dutch production Bride Flight in the historic precinct, while North Otago had been used for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

New Zealand director Andrew Adamson, who optioned the rights to the book, both directed the movie Shrek 2 and was co-screewriter and the director of the first two Chronicles of Narnia series movies.

A company, Mr Pip Ltd, was registered in New Zealand in March, with Mr Adamson owning 90% of the shares and Eyeworks NZ Ltd the other 10%.

Leslie Urdang and Dean Vanech, of Olympic Pictures, are financing and producing the project with Robin Scholes, of Eyeworks New Zealand and Agio Capital.

The New Zealand Film Commission, NZ on Air and Network TV3 are also involved.

Souerce: ... -locations
OMfG He really touched my finger and asked me a question :ohnmacht: :yeah:
Oh my... I REALLY was able to snatch HIS beer glass. The one, of which he drank.
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: Mi 31. Mär 2010, 15:16
Lieblingscharakter: House
Lieblingsepisode/n: 5x23, 6x01, 7x01, 7x02, 7x08, 7x15
Fox-Gucker: Ja

Ich hab mal ne Frage: ich hab verstanden, dass vom 18. Juli bis zum 20. August gedreht wird. Stimmt das überhaupt? und weiß jemand vielleicht was genaueres? Ein Freund von mir erzählte mir, dass er einen Freund in Papua Neuguinea hat, der bei der Security arbeitet und er soll angeblich seit gestern für Hugh zuständig sein. deshalb wollte ich wissen, ob jemand weiß, ob Hugh schon in Papua Neuguinea ist oder ob er mich nur verschaukeln wollte.
Beiträge: 7359
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 21:18
Lieblingscharakter: House
Shipper: Huddy, Hilson, Hacy
Lieblingsepisode/n: 5x24, 6x01, 6x22, 7x03
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Lübeck

Filming begins in Bougainville today for Mr Pip, the drama based on the Booker prize shortlisted novel of New Zealander Lloyd Jones.
Mister Pip tells the story of the last white man on the war-torn island, who teaches local children by reading Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations.
The story is set in 1991, during the decade-long civil war in the autonomous Papua New Guinea province.
The British actor, Hugh Laurie, has the title role.
A former Bougainville MP, Francesca Semosa, who has been cast in the film, says the story is close to many people’s hearts.
She says it will portray the hardships of women, children and men during the civil war.
Beiträge: 2182
Registriert: Mo 21. Dez 2009, 12:37
Lieblingscharakter: Greg 8o
Shipper: Hall-y
Lieblingsepisode/n: 1x11, 1x21, 3x1, 3x4
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Wittichenau

Radio New Zealand - Mister Pip.mp3
(3.02 MiB) 1699-mal heruntergeladen
OMfG He really touched my finger and asked me a question :ohnmacht: :yeah:
Oh my... I REALLY was able to snatch HIS beer glass. The one, of which he drank.
Beiträge: 7359
Registriert: So 18. Okt 2009, 21:18
Lieblingscharakter: House
Shipper: Huddy, Hilson, Hacy
Lieblingsepisode/n: 5x24, 6x01, 6x22, 7x03
Fox-Gucker: Ja
Wohnort: Lübeck

North Otago set for stardom
Details are sketchy around the filming of Mr Pip at various North Otago locations but it is expected to take place in late August.

The region has been chosen as part of the setting for a film adaptation of Lloyd Jones' best-selling novel Mr Pip by Oscar-nominated Kiwi director Andrew Adamson, starring House and Blackadder actor Hugh Laurie.

It will take place over 1 1/2 weeks in late August, publicist Sue May confirmed yesterday. However, locations could not be confirmed, along with the number of cast and crew that would travel to the area.

"More information will be available as we get closer," Mrs May said.

Movie makers are not revealing the film's budget, but the New Zealand Film Commission has put $2.5 million towards the project.

No date has been set for the premiere.

A report by Waitaki District Council corporate services group manager Carolyn Carter last month said filming would take place at the Oamaru harbour and historic precinct, and at Campbells Park, Otekaieke and Fortification Rd.

Filming will also take place in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.

Adamson, whose work includes the Shrek and Chronicles of Narnia film series, has written the screenplay and will direct and produce the film.

Shortlisted for the Booker Prize, Mr Pip tells the story of the last white man left in war-torn Papua New Guinea, who reopens a school and inspires his pupils by reading his favourite novel, Great Expectations.

Laurie, who will be present only for filming in Bougainville, told the Hollywood Reporter last month he was "hooked" on the screenplay from the start.

"From the first words of the novel, and the first image of the screenplay, I was hooked on Mr Pip," Laurie said.

"It's an immensely touching, unique, yet completely unsentimental story of love. It is unlike any script I have read, or any story I have ever heard. Plus I get to go to Papua New Guinea and call it work. I am a very lucky man."

Adamson is quoted as saying he wanted to adapt Jones' book as soon as he read it.

"I read Mr Pip on a flight and, by the time of landing, knew I would make this film. It's a testament to Lloyd's wonderful novel that it has captured the hearts of Hugh ... and an incredible group of like-minded collaborators."

Leslie Urdang and Dean Vanech of Olympus Pictures are financing and producing the film with Robin Scholes' Eyeworks New Zealand and Agio Capital, with support from the Film Commission, NZ on Air and TV3.

- The Timaru Herald
Quelle: ... or-stardom