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Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Mo 25. Okt 2010, 18:03
von Hughligan

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Do 28. Okt 2010, 19:25
von mj1985
Diese Info fehlt hier noch:
Ladies and gentlemen, I can reveal that last night the album recording was completed when the legend that is Sir Tom Jones added a vocal to 'Baby, Please Make A Change'.

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Mo 1. Nov 2010, 15:35
von Hughligan
House a rock star?

No this is not an halloween joke, but I can tell you for sure that Hugh Laurie, aka Dr House, has finally realized one of his most ambitious dream of his life: to record an album with his dream musician Dr John. Hugh Laurie confirmed it when we met yesterday at the Peninsula Hotel in LA: “It’s done. It’s actually done and it’s being mixed as we speak... I sing, play the piano, play the guitar and...”

“How did it get together? Who is the producer of the album?” I asked Hugh.

“Joe Henry who has produced a number of records with another hero of mine, Allen Toussaint. So I had the amazing experience to go to New Orleans and see Allen play behind some horn arrangement that I wrote - very surreal - also to have Dr John sing a song where I accompanied him on the piano as he sang behind me. That was the terrifying thing... so I had no idea if he was rolling his eyes going oh, for God sake” he said smiling and then added: “I always loved him as a singer and of course he plays the piano like an angel. It was a great honor. Irma Thomas sings on a couple of tracks. I kept it very small and intimate, and then of course Tom Jones came in last to sing a very obscure Mississippi song from the ‘30s. Nobody will know it. Nobody heard it. I like sort of rediscovering some old songs from that era. The album will be out in the spring as the season of House ends, because they are planning to send me on tour and make of me a rock star. I am all over it”

“I Am All Over It: that would be a good title for the album” I suggested, and Hugh smiled.

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Fr 10. Dez 2010, 15:02
von mj1985
@conwittwit: Delightful breakfast with Hugh Laurie and flying tonight to Oz for Ashes and sunshine. Could this be the perfect day?

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 17:22
von LiaHuddy
Eben auf Twitter gelesen:
@nataellio: OMG!!! Hugh's album will be released on the 14th of April THANKS @HughbunniesLJ :-))

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 17:53
von Tritziii
Oh Gott, ich hab das grad schon auf Twitter gelesen und bin gleich vom Stuhl gefallen. :ohnmacht: Mein erster Lichtblick seit TAGEN :hurra: :yeah: :yeah: :hurra:

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 18:14
von Hughligan
Wie geil ist das denn? Das wird dann mein schönstes nachträgliches Geburtstagsgeschenk 8o :yeah:

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 18:18
von Sandy House
Juhu!!! :yeah: :clap: Klasse. Danke für die Info. :)

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 18:19
von Unique
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: ich freu mich so und meine nachbarn tun mir jetzt schon leid :D

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Di 11. Jan 2011, 18:20
von Housekatze
Und hier noch die (übersetzte) Originalquelle:
The first album should be out of Hugh Laurie on April 14 on Warner. The disc, with accents and New Orleans soul, was recorded in Los Angeles this fall, under the guidance of producer Joe Henry. The interpreter of Dr. House is indeed a musician (voice, piano, guitar, drums, saxophone, composition). It is part of the charity group Band From TV, wrote several pieces for the series which he is the hero and contributed to the last CD rocker Meat Loaf. He had long dreamed of a solo album.
thanks to hughbunniesLJ
Source: ... blues.html

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Mo 24. Jan 2011, 18:46
von mj1985
Laut soll das Album "Let them talk" heißen ... keine andere Quelle bestätigt das bisher.

Re: Hugh Laurie Blues Album (Release: Frühling 2011)

Verfasst: Mo 24. Jan 2011, 18:51
von hypochondra